June 25th, 2014
UK Safer Internet Center features Safety Resources available at MovieStarPlanet
The British Government has instructed UK Safer Internet Center to include information to their website showing the Safety Resources available to parents on all major social networking sites for children. MovieStarPlanet has been included to the list and is featured in the company of the other major social networks present in the UK.
In MovieStarPlanet we work very hard to ensure our users’ safety online, which is one of our key priorities. We implement state of the art world filtering systems that meet international safety standards, have live moderators in every country 24 hours a day and continuously educate ourselves on safety best practices. It is rewarding that key stakeholders, such as UK Safer Internet Center, recognize our efforts and we can work together towards keeping children safe within online space.
You read more about this on the UK Safer Internet Center site by clicking here.

By: Vernon Jones – Head of Safety at MovieStarPlanet