Successful Pre-Production kick-off with Google Sprint Methodology


The process of bringing MovieStarPlanet successfully into a 100% Unity based company calls for new approaches to games development.

In late 2017 we studied the SPRINT method developed at Google Ventures. We found the concept “Going from Idea to Testing a Prototype in a week” very interesting, and decided to test this methodology on the preproduction of our first Unity product.

A dedicated team representing main production stakeholders such as Game design, User support, Development and Graphic artist spend an intense week together with ONE objective – creating a minimum loveable and testable prototype.

The outcome was amazing – a minimum loveable prototype was ready Thursday afternoon and got tested Friday with 4th graders at Gentofte School north of Copenhagen. Their feedback was recorded and is now essential for the design team in setting directions for the next product in our portfolio.

Focusing on one big problem and getting to test a prototype that tries to solve that within five days is a really powerful tool.

Also, as a bi-effect there’s a continuous alignment during the week on small and big questions and challenges that we’re facing.
says Creative Director Bjarke Brint