MovieStarPlanet apps reaches BIG Milestones

Blog, Press release

MovieStarPlanet apps, BooniePlanet and BlockStarPlanet, reach new milestones, and supports the ambition of creating the best and biggest social network for children 8-15 years.

Working at MovieStarPlanet is always fun, but the last few weeks, the smiles have been a little bigger.
BlockStarPlanet and BooniePlanet, both MovieStarPlanet apps, reached important milestones in their growth plan.

BooniePlanet reached an amazing 500,000 Monthly Active users, while BlockStarPlanet reached the 1 million milestone. This is the result of hard dedicated work on growing the BlockStarPlanet and BooniePlanet user base, and at the same time, making new exciting features giving the kids a reason to come back day after day. A BIG congratulation to the two teams!

And what better way to celebrate, than having cake

Want to know more about BooniePlanet?

Want to know more about BlockStarPlanet?