October 7th, 2014
MovieStarPlanet was at the ITU Match Making event
MovieStarPlanet is a company in a constant quest to find its perfect match in terms of talented people. That’s why we took part in the ITU Match Making event last week: we know it takes the best people to produce the greatest success stories.
ITU Match Making is a career fair of the IT-University which is held twice a year in April and October. It’s a great occasion for IT-University students to talk to visiting companies where they might find interesting prospects for future careers. It is also a good chance to discuss project collaboration or inspiration for projects or simply explore ideas. In other words the ITMM is for all students – not just those who are looking for a real job and a great opportunity for companies to inspire and get inspiration.
Below you can see the MovieStarPlanet team and their colorful booth, ready to talk to students and, who knows, future colleagues!